OST Jam 7 Progress - 2

Not as much progress over the past two days but made a REALLY nice amount of work on the penultimate area theme, and my idea of the story I want to tell with it is really developing well! You can listen to what i have so far here. The idea that is slowly coming together for this project is a character who struggles a lot with loneliness, but doesn't fully comprehend how to deal with that. Her quest to find purpose leads her further and further away from connecting with others, until she finally reaches space- a both literal and metaphorical representation of the distance and danger that is now put between her and everyone else. I want this song to represent that cross over, the calm serene idea we have of space but at the same time how dangerous and unknown it is. Its a breaking point, the protagonist will either triumph and return with a new sense of self or become lost, on her own, in the dark with no hope of being found. 

Its been really fun experimenting with different effects in this, but also kind of letting myself mess around with harmony in a way i haven't really approached before, I was very explicit in not thinking much about the theory of how this all went together and just focusing on making shifts that created dissonance, but also movement at the same time, as i think that can be a very effective way of conveying emotion in a song. 

The piano melody at the end is a revisiting of the main character theme, which I haven't shared anywhere yet but like, ill get to that eventually!!!!  Its in minor to show a more dramatic change from where the protagonist started, simple but effective. Can't wait to share the rest of this with you all when it's done, happy jamming!

Get Lost in Space - Pixcele

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